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Opinion: Race Around the Clock

Personally, I don't think it should come to this. But it is up to the BOS.

CEAC has proven itself to be untrustworthy and has withheld critical information to the town and our townspeople - and misled the Selectmen right in front of a large crowd.

Fortunately, CEAC proved this themselves.The statement from CEAC lawyer John Stefanini "421 signatures we had NOTHING to do with - NOTHING - that's a very strong statement" was captured on video last week while addressing our BOS regarding the previous petition. And the statement by their other CEAC lawyer, Patrick Hanley, during the Massachusetts Gaming Commission meeting Monday was captured on video when he told them "we supported a petition that ultimately led the board of selectmen to approve that they (sic) a vote on the 9th." They cannot both be true statements - so did they mislead the BOS or the Massachusetts State Gaming Commission? That, alone, is reason for pause. There is much more to consider. 

Did you all get that pretty brochure in the mail? Did it mention their Sports Betting license and their intent for Great Meadowbrook and "nearby properties?"

No, it didn't - it's spelled out in the draft Host Agreement (but they sure aren't telling you WHERE those nearby Hardwick locations are). It affects far more than Great Meadowbrook Farm - but they are betting you do not read that Host Agreement. They want you to think it is a couple of festival days at Great Meadowbrook for a check with no strings attached. Once you are hooked - they are IN. (on both licenses)

Remember CEAC automatically qualifies for a much broader additional and desirable Sports Betting gambling license once they secure the racetrack and horse racing license from us. They have applied and are waiting to act on that once this is completed. Knowing this - people FOR or AGAINST this deserve to know the truth of what is at stake here. It can and likely will be in your neighborhood - and Sports Betting parlors are 7 days a week - imagine if they get the first one in the state. Won't people love that? There should be no vote until there is far more research on their background, their intent for sports betting, locations for sports betting, background, and financials on racetrack viability. (CEAC has this - they have not shared it.) This is more than Great Meadowbrook,'s right in the first recital of the draft includes "nearby properties" - as it pertains to Sports Betting. The Massachusetts State Gaming Commission was set to ask all the same questions I just laid out before the NO petition stopped the process. It was on their agenda for the meeting yesterday. I hope the BOS votes NO at this time. IF the town really wants Sports Betting parlors and a racetrack - then let's get it presented on its merits.

There is no timeline on this - outside Richard T Fields wanting to start making his investors and bank account happy. I do not see towns reaching out to them to put the racetrack and sports betting parlors in THEIR town - quite the contrary! If CEAC wants to work with Hardwick, they can come forward with a business plan - complete - like all other investments. They need to stop bullying our BOS (as on full display last week.) This is far more consequential than even an investment - this cannot not be reversed with a "writeoff" of taxes.

Time is a gift here and we should not be forced to ruin people's holidays with Commonwealth Racing propaganda, while a group of townsfolk run about trying to get the facts straight. 

Judi Korzec

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Fred Debros
Fred Debros
Nov 16, 2022

right youy are Judy. the black limos with tinted glass in Dewey's parking were ominous....

Now stefanini did not say only >>> "421 signatures we had NOTHING to do with - NOTHING - that's a very strong statement"

Judy: he also repeatedly said they are a nonbinding resolution. half of them not certifiable! the other half not legally binding because the resolution was on printed petition paper, legal size, with a text we were not allowed to see as dawn(?) had to hand them over to juduy (BOS) sight unseen for preservation?

i bet you this "petition text" itself was not town-counsel approved like ours.

so this is materiel - if stefanini insists - that will end up in a…

Fred Debros
Fred Debros
Nov 20, 2022
Replying to

looks like nobody reads this.

come to think of it: if amending APR rules were feasible, Eric F. might have succeeded long ago. bet he tried when the guernsey dell was nixed for his horses. so i admit this idea is more wishful thinking on my part.

but a town vote after a successful petition is not a done deal.

remember the highly successsful "FREE THE PIKE" petition drive that was to send howie carr's pike "hacks" packing....was nixed by the legislature after an overwhelming success in a clear popular vote as "ruinous for the big dig". now we have it!

or the other 1st amendment right we have, the ballot question: remember on gay marriage? was voted down overewhelmingly…


Nov 16, 2022

Badda Bing. Judi

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